Université Lumière Lyon 2 (coordinating institution)

Visit the MATILDA Homepage for news and information about the current programme:



Contact the coordinators:

Manuela Martini manuela.martini@univ-lyon2.fr

Marianne Thivend marianne.thivend@univ-lyon2.fr

Universität Wien

Visit our MATILDA Homepage for news and information about the current programme:



Contact our coordinators:

Claudia Kraft claudia.kraft@univie.ac.at

Birgitta Bader-Zaar birgitta.bader-zaar@univie.ac.at

Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski

Central European University (CEU) in Vienna

Visit the MATILDA Homepage for news and information about the current programme:



Contact the coordinators:

Hannah Loney loneyh@ceu.edu

Susan Zimmermann zimmerma@ceu.hu


Università degli Studi di Padova

Visit the MATILDA Homepage for news and information about the current programme:


Contact the coordinators:


Isabelle Chabot isabelle.chabot@unipd.it

Laura Schettini laura.schettini@unipd.it

Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Visit the MATILDA Homepage for news and information about the current programme:



Contact the coordinators:

Sandra Maß sandra.mass@rub.de